In August 2016 the generation of the global 12m resp. 30m TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Models were completed. By submitting a proposal, scientific users can apply for the free use of TanDEM-X products (12m TanDEM-X DEM, 30m TanDEM-X DEM and TanDEM-X CoSSC Data) up to an area of 100,000 km². There are no announcements of opportunities at the moment. Therefore a service fee will be charged for all submitted proposals after December 13, 2016. A price list of the service fee can be found here. The proposal submitting procedure is descibed in the followong steps. |
The scientific user (Principle Investigator PI) has to register as an Investigator first at the Science Service System, using the side
menu of the home page “Basic User Registration” --> “Investigator Registration”. Already registered users can skip this step and can continue reading at point 2. In the registration web form user name and password have to be defined and a valid email address has to be entered. The registration web form has now to be submitted. After submission an automatic email from the system with a link to a dedicated verification page is sent to the specified email address. The PI has to follow the link and has to enter the user name and password a second time in a web form. With the successful submission of the verification web form, the registration step is finalized. |
Following the verification the PI can go back to the home page and login with the user name and password at the start page ( using the login mask in the bottom area of the left side menu. |
After successful login the personal proposal submission interface page can be reached by the side menu link “Registered User Access” --> “Investigator”. At the first access of this proposal interface page, the PI is prompted to enter the address details first. The address details can be updated any time via the side menu link “Maintain Contact Details”. Please note that proposals with incomplete contact details are rejected. |
A new proposal can be created from the side menu using the link “Create DEM proposal”. Select the option “DEM proposal” on the confirmation page and confirm the creation of the proposal by clicking on the “OK” button. |
All text fields in the web form have to be filled; this includes detailed information about the proposal team, the research subject and envisaged methods. Within the “Data Requirement” page a map powered interface is provided for the selection of all DEM tiles for the research project. The quota is automatically displayed. |
In a final step the proposal has to be submitted. A submission confirmation email will be sent to the registered email account. With the final submission of the proposal the evaluation process is initialized. The proposal will be handed over to the evaluators. The whole evaluation process might take some weeks. |
After a successful evaluation the PI receives an email approval note with further instruction. The PI has to fill in and sign the User License Agreement and has to provide a scanned copy of a valid photo ID. Both documents need to be sent to the TanDEM-X Science Coordination Team. |
Once the documents have been received, the TanDEM-X science coordination releases an EOWEB order account for the proposal and assigns a quota limit. The username, the initial password, and the quota information will be sent via email to the PI's registered email address. |